Sunday 30 April 2023


 The road verges near Haley Wood are often a good spot to find cowslips.  This years seems particularly good. 

Saturday 22 April 2023

Pasque Flowers

Fittingly, the Pasque flowers at Therfield Heath were just about at their best on Easter Sunday.  As always at Therfield, there was the wind to contend with.  So a higher ISO and a shallower depth of field were needed.  Focus stacks proved tricky.  Next year, maybe I will copy the women who arrived just as I was leaving.  She had brought a rigid clear plastic cloche to cover the flowers.  Her camera pointed in one open end, shooting through to the other, for shake free close-ups. Genius.

Sunday 16 April 2023



Over Easter, I made my first visit of the year to Brampton Wood.  I was in search of primroses.  Brampton has always been a good location for primroses, although, the last few years haven't been that great.  But, what flowers were there were at there best.