Sunday 12 May 2024

Aurora in St Neots

Allow me to add my small collection to the vast tidal wave of aurora images that has hit the internet over the weekend.  On Friday night a 'G5' geomagnetic storm resulted in the aurora borealis being visible across the UK and Ireland, and as far as Germany and the Czech Republic.  I headed out to the fields behind my house after midnight to see an aurora for the first time.  Never having photographed one before, I chose fairly long exposures, between 2 and 3 minutes.  This maximised the colours but did mean I lost any patterns.

More solar activity was predicted for Saturday night.  So it was back to the fields for the witching hour.  This time I found a little more foreground interest.  Although, my location meant I was shooting across a B-road.  A B-road than normally sees few cars, but on this night was proving to be busier than the A1. Sadly the sun was less active.  The intense colours of the previous night were a distant memory.  All I managed was a feint greenish tinge. 

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